Thursday, October 20, 2011

Epic, Minute Discontent

I'm having a week. A week o' stupid. Nothing hugely significant. Just many small piles of crap.

I don't like when people talk through a big goofy smile. They don't move their mouths then. I don't like when dogs eat my pancakes. I dislike when people don't take a hint. AND I dislike when people are annoying.

I don't like when my hair sticks out.
I dislike when honey drips onto the counter.
It's annoying when I forget to put on socks.
How stupid is it when you look up to see all kinds of gross dust and dirt on the miniblinds?!
Ever notice that under certain lights (like in a parking lot), your car appears to be a different color? Then you wander around like an idiot looking for the car that is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.

I dislike when toothpaste spatters on the faucets.
What about when a wall in the house is not quite straight, and when you hang a picture, there is simply no way to make it look right? If you align to the floor, it looks "off" to the seams of the wall. If you align to the wallpaper, it looks weird to the floor.

What about when a shirt shrinks, but only top-to-bottom, so they're still wide enough, but keep pulling up above your waistline?

And that gross crusty gunk in your eyes in the morning? Yuck.

So there it is. The morning of my discontent.

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